Friday, April 5, 2013

Small Corner Details

I love the details. It matters. It's that old saying of something about doing it before someone notices that they missed it. Well, I'm not sure that's a saying. BUT to me, the details are what really counts, it makes items cohesive. This is becoming insanely difficult to manage for my wedding (later post!) but for my new apartment I (and my fiancee) are trying to do it any chance we get.

One of the hard parts of our apartment is that we have a long but narrow living room and big furniture. To handle this, I layered my finacee's Ikea bookcase that is full of nooks for us to fill in, behind my TV. But trying to determane what to put in each one is ever changing. Right now we have a combination of 
(1) different books, 
(2) are ever building record collection, 
(3) pictures of us (yay!) and family (woot.)
(4) a thing that I only ever see now in art galleries that measures the temperature and humidity that he got in an antique store. 

In all fairness we had a great trip to the antique store - we also got this great mirrored tray and what we found out was shrimp cocktail serving dishes that we thought was actually cocktail glasses with a place to put ice on the bottom to keep drinks cool in the summer. (breath) We matched this with Mr Oinks to help class up our kitchen counter. 

Other detail I've been in love with doing is shower hooks. This came when my fiance first moved into my apartment in NYC and we got some coat hooks from Anthropologie. I like to use them to add some dimensions and textures in the bathroom. 

What are your favorite home details? 

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