Monday, March 4, 2013

DIY Rug Attempt

Still in the progress of finishing my apartment. Our greatest challenge is all the hard wood (which I love) and the realization that each room really does need a rug. 

While doing research (see HOURS on Pintrest & Dwelling Gawker) I came across these ladies that did DIY rugs. After reviewing ones that required painting (great one here) and one involving sharpies (here) I decided to combine the concepts and buy a giant sharpie paint marker and a small tester rug. 

I am absolutely in love with the Moroccan look especially for rugs and wall design. So here's the steps and my outcome. 

Finished product.

Step 1: 
Get crazy idea to make a rug. 

Step 2: 
Get supplies as impulsively as possible. I personally used the target 1 block from me but contemplated going to the home depot 5 blocks from me. I bought a small, cheap rug to test out the idea and a sharpie. I had parchment paper which i read made a great stencil (for you to make). 

Step 3: 
Make a stencil with a design you like. I copied the Moroccan theme from another item I own and drew it on parchment paper. I then argued with the paper while i tried to remember white space as I learned in art class. Kept forgetting. Landed on just doing fill in instead of boarders. 

Step 4: 
Take stencil you have left after fighting with paper and tape it to rug. 

Step 5: 
Start coloring it in, getting into the grooves of the carpet. 

Step 6: 
Keep going for length of the rug.

Because it was a sharpie it didn't really need to dry. I was going to keep going with other rows but it didn't come out how I wanted it to look. It's in our bedroom as I decide what to do with it. 

Things I'll do different next time: 

  • Get better rug
  • Use paint
  • Design an easier stencil like chevron 

Any other ideas? 

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