Monday, February 25, 2013

Decorating! My Closet.

it's one of my favorite things. not closets, exclusively. but interior design. i've always loved the challenge of the different spaces and places i've lived. i used to move around furniture in my room as a kid and attempt to decorate my furniture with my extravagant attempts to "collage" (used as loosely as possible).

On to my newest decorating venture my first apartment with my fiance. It has everything we wanted new appliances (yeah that's right a dishwasher and laundry NYC), hardwood floors, 2 bedrooms, and close to public transport. So from NYC where we both shared a SMALL one bedroom to this wonderful space where our (my) challenge is how to manage all this space.

yup. i said that.

First up is our separate closets. I chose to take an old dresser that I stole from my sister when I was 17 that has lasted FOREVER and put it in there and use it as the anchor to my decorating. I love the organized madness that it has with the jewelry and my vision boards (get to those ladies later). It's still a work in progress but for now I am proud. 

Dresser: Pier One from like 2001
Jewelry Box Pottery Barn
Necklaces on Key Holder from Target

Door Nobs Anthropologie

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